Cat Kitten Figurines Limoges Boxes

Its a purrr-fect time to gather a collection of our cute Cat and Kitten Limoges porcelain boxes for any feline cat lover! These whimsical figurine porcelain boxes are delightful to every collector or a wonderful gift for cat lovers. We have Tabby Cats, Kittens, Black, Siamese, Long Haired Cats, Short Haired, and we can custom paint one just like yours on a flat box.  Cat Limoges boxes are feline fun, showing their every adorable behavior and mischief making. Love cats? Our porcelain Limoges figurines will delight you. We have a wonderful assortment in multi colors and stripes, Russian, Tabby, Tuxedo, Wirehair, Mau, Angora, Short hair, Persian, Siamese, Burman, Marmalade, Himalayan and some that have no ancestry to recommend them. The cats are charming and are designed to look and behave like cats.

What a wonderful gift for the cat lover. Cat lovers will find that we have a collectible cat for all occasions. Some of our cats are sleeping and some of them stretching and waking up getting ready to pounce on that ball of yarn. Our porcelain Limoges box designs are an extraordinary portrait of the perfect cats. The coloring, their eyes, and their fur are all beautifully reproduced to give that real impression of what the life of a cat has to offer.  Our beautiful Limoges collectibles are imported directly from the heart of Limoges, France. We only offer authentic Limoges porcelain boxes that are of the highest quality artistry and craftsmanship, created by master French artisans. 

Purple Cathedral Church Chaps $229.00 $229.00
ALCATRAZ WITH BRASS KEY Rochard Limoges $520.00 $520.00
Dreaming Cat w Mouse
Dreaming Cat w Mouse Rochard Limoges $352.00 $352.00
Cat Playing Guitar
Cat Playing Guitar Chaps $289.00 $289.00
Black Cat in Carrier
Black Cat in Carrier Chaps $199.00 $199.00
Cat on Sevre Roses Base
Cat on Sevre Roses Base Chaps $229.00 $229.00
Cat w Kittens
Cat w Kittens Chaps $229.00 $229.00
First Tooth Baby Cat
First Tooth Baby Cat Chaps $199.00 $199.00
Wedding Cats
Wedding Cats Chaps $229.00 $229.00
Three Mountain Lions Wild
Three Mountain Lions Wild Chaps $209.00 $209.00
Cheetah on Log Wild
Cheetah on Log Wild Chaps $349.00 $349.00
Tiger Pencil Holder
Tiger Pencil Holder Chaps $289.00 $289.00
Mini Black Cat
Mini Black Cat Chaps $189.00 $189.00
Tabby Cat on Pillow
Tabby Cat on Pillow Chaps $189.00 $189.00
Black Cat in Basket
Black Cat in Basket Chaps $219.00 $219.00
Jungle Lion
Jungle Lion Chaps $189.50 $189.50
Cat in Boot
Cat in Boot Chaps $189.00 $189.00
Cat in Gold Fish Bowl
Cat in Gold Fish Bowl Chaps $289.00 $289.00
Adirondack Beach Chair Hat Sunglasses
Adirondack Beach Chair Hat Sunglasses Rochard Limoges $332.00 $332.00
Black Cat Pumpkin Candy Corn Décor
Black Cat Pumpkin Candy Corn Décor Rochard Limoges $265.00 $265.00
Kitten in Basket
Kitten in Basket Rochard Limoges $334.00 $334.00
Tabby Cat in Basket
Tabby Cat in Basket Chaps $289.00 $289.00
Cat on Green Chair
Cat on Green Chair Chaps $199.00 $199.00
St Pauls Cathedral London
St Pauls Cathedral London Chaps $280.00 $280.00
Cat in Green Trashcan
Cat in Green Trashcan Chaps $169.00 $169.00
Cat in Slipper
Cat in Slipper Chaps $189.00 $189.00
Cat Spilt Milk
Cat Spilt Milk Chaps $189.00 $189.00
White Cat in Basket
White Cat in Basket Chaps $269.00 $269.00
Cat on Yarn
Cat on Yarn Chaps $199.00 $199.00
Mini Dalmation Dog w Cat
Mini Dalmation Dog w Cat Chaps $189.00 $189.00
Cat w Milk Jug
Cat w Milk Jug Chaps $189.00 $189.00
Cat in Blue Trashcan
Cat in Blue Trashcan Chaps $169.00 $169.00
Two Cats Playing on Bed-
Two Cats Playing on Bed- Chaps $369.00 $369.00
Mother Cat Feeding Baby
Mother Cat Feeding Baby Chaps $329.00 $329.00
Tiger Chaps $289.00 $289.00
Cat w Yellow Cup
Cat w Yellow Cup Chaps $179.00 $179.00
Cats in Stocking Boot
Cats in Stocking Boot Chaps $169.00 $169.00
Tiger Wild
Tiger Wild Chaps $289.00 $289.00
Cat w Yarn
Cat w Yarn Chaps $199.00 $199.00
Kitty Cat in Boot
Kitty Cat in Boot Chaps $269.00 $269.00
Egg Butterfly Cat in Grass
Egg Butterfly Cat in Grass Chaps $289.00 $289.00
Cat on Chimney
Cat on Chimney Chaps $189.00 $189.00
Cat w Pink Cup
Cat w Pink Cup Chaps $189.00 $189.00
Lions under World Globe
Lions under World Globe Chaps $269.00 $269.00
Kitty Cat under Bonnet Hat
Kitty Cat under Bonnet Hat Chaps $299.00 $299.00
Bald Eagle Catching Prey
Bald Eagle Catching Prey Chaps $189.00 $189.00
Cat in Basket
Cat in Basket Chaps $289.00 $289.00
Owl and Pussy Cat
Owl and Pussy Cat Rochard Limoges $406.00 $406.00
Cat in Green Chair
Cat in Green Chair Chaps $179.00 $179.00
Happy China Cat
Happy China Cat Chaps $229.00 $229.00
Cat in Bag
Cat in Bag Chaps $189.00 $189.00
Cat w Red Cup
Cat w Red Cup Chaps $179.00 $179.00
Black Panther Wild Animal
Black Panther Wild Animal Chaps $229.00 $229.00
Cat in Arm Chair w Pillow
Cat in Arm Chair w Pillow Chaps $199.00 $199.00
White Cat in Blue Basket with
White Cat in Blue Basket with Chaps $179.00 $179.00
Cat in Trashcan
Cat in Trashcan Chaps $179.00 $179.00
Black Cat w Butterfly
Black Cat w Butterfly Rochard Limoges $290.00 $290.00
Cat in Basket with Mouse limoges box
Cat in Basket with Mouse limoges box LimogesboxImports $237.00 $237.00
Witch Halloween Cat limoges box
Witch Halloween Cat limoges box LimogesboxImports $257.00 $257.00
Cats On Adirondack Chair Plant
Cats On Adirondack Chair Plant Rochard Limoges $388.00 $388.00
Siamese Cat w Fish
Siamese Cat w Fish Rochard Limoges $294.00 $294.00