Wine & Spirits

Wine Limoges delightfully created champagne bucket in an ornate trinket box is a wonderful collectible figurine. Wine and spirits add a festive and jovial addition to your collectible porcelain collection of limoges boxes. Fine French gifts for the discerning limoges collector. Cigar box in delicate porcelain limoges boxes make a delightful addition to any figurine collector. Who doesn’t love Chianti? Cocktail shakers finely detailed and hand painted wine cork and other exquisite collectable limoges available. Wine barrel on a stand and Wine bottles stowed inside of delicate porcelain barrels. Our fine porcelain limoges boxes are the perfect French gift for the collectible connoisseur.
Crate of 4 Wine Bottles limoges box LimogesboxImports $278.00 $278.00
Tropical Cocktail Glass
Tropical Cocktail Glass Rochard Limoges $350.00 $350.00
2000 French Champagne
2000 French Champagne Chaps $189.00 $189.00
Champagne in Bucket
Champagne in Bucket Chaps $229.00 $229.00
Champagne Bottle in
Champagne Bottle in Chaps $229.00 $229.00
Wine List w Wine Glasses
Wine List w Wine Glasses Chaps $229.00 $229.00
Six Wine Bottles in Barrel
Six Wine Bottles in Barrel Chaps $269.00 $269.00
Cuban Cigars in
Cuban Cigars in Chaps $189.00 $189.00
Medoc Bottle Wine
Medoc Bottle Wine Chaps $189.00 $189.00
Champagne Bucket Glasses
Champagne Bucket Glasses Chaps $249.00 $249.00
Cheese Wine Gift Basket Parcel
Cheese Wine Gift Basket Parcel Chaps $289.00 $289.00
Ocean Cocktail Glass
Ocean Cocktail Glass Chaps $289.00 $289.00
Gold Chapagne Bucket w Glasses
Gold Chapagne Bucket w Glasses Chaps $189.00 $189.00
Millineum Bottle of Champagne
Millineum Bottle of Champagne Chaps $189.00 $189.00
Cognac Bottle
Cognac Bottle Chaps $189.00 $189.00
Wine Barrel on Stand
Wine Barrel on Stand Chaps $259.00 $259.00
Wine Cork Screw
Wine Cork Screw Chaps $189.00 $189.00
Cork Screw on Wine
Cork Screw on Wine Chaps $189.00 $189.00
Card Table Game Night Table
Card Table Game Night Table Chaps $179.00 $179.00
Green Champagne Bottle
Green Champagne Bottle Chaps $179.00 $179.00
Wine Bottle Cork Screw
Wine Bottle Cork Screw Chaps $189.00 $189.00
Chianti Wine Italy
Chianti Wine Italy Chaps $189.00 $189.00
Picnic Basket w Wine and Bread
Picnic Basket w Wine and Bread Chaps $229.00 $229.00
6 Bottles Wine in Crate
6 Bottles Wine in Crate Chaps $199.00 $199.00
Waiter on Wine Barrel
Waiter on Wine Barrel Chaps $369.00 $369.00
2 Bottles in Wine Crate
2 Bottles in Wine Crate Chaps $189.00 $189.00
Gold Champagne Bucket
Gold Champagne Bucket Chaps $189.00 $189.00
Brown Globe Bar w Wine Crossword
Brown Globe Bar w Wine Crossword Chaps $289.00 $289.00
Champagne w Cork
Champagne w Cork Chaps $229.00 $229.00
2000 Bottle of Champagne in
2000 Bottle of Champagne in Chaps $189.00 $189.00
Books w Wine Carafe
Books w Wine Carafe Chaps $189.00 $189.00
Book of Wine w Corkscrew
Book of Wine w Corkscrew Chaps $189.00 $189.00
Champagne in Box
Champagne in Box Chaps $229.00 $229.00
Cigar w Removable Cigars Figurine
Cigar w Removable Cigars Figurine Chaps $189.00 $189.00
Cognac Chaps $179.00 $179.00
Wine on Table
Wine on Table Chaps $189.00 $189.00
Burgandy Wine Barrel
Burgandy Wine Barrel Chaps $139.00 $139.00
Silver Champagne on Ice
Silver Champagne on Ice Chaps $169.00 $169.00
Wine Barrel on Brass
Wine Barrel on Brass Chaps $189.00 $189.00
1997 Chateau Wine
1997 Chateau Wine Chaps $169.00 $169.00
Wine Bottle in Basket
Wine Bottle in Basket Chaps $139.00 $139.00
Globe Bar w Wine Glasses
Globe Bar w Wine Glasses Chaps $259.00 $259.00
4 Bottles Wine 1998 in Basket
4 Bottles Wine 1998 in Basket Chaps $179.00 $179.00
Bourgogne Bottle Wine
Bourgogne Bottle Wine Chaps $189.00 $189.00
Pipe on Oval
Pipe on Oval Chaps $189.00 $189.00
Champagne Bottle with Flute
Champagne Bottle with Flute Rochard Limoges $265.00 $265.00
Champagne Cork
Champagne Cork Chaps $149.00 $149.00
Deck of Playing Cards
Deck of Playing Cards Chaps $169.00 $169.00
Rochard Single Cigar
Rochard Single Cigar Chaps $249.00 $249.00
Single Cigar
Single Cigar Chaps $169.00 $169.00
Cigar w Removable Cigars
Cigar w Removable Cigars Chaps $179.00 $179.00
1994 Bordeaux Wine
1994 Bordeaux Wine Chaps $169.00 $169.00
3 Bottles Wine
3 Bottles Wine Chaps $169.00 $169.00
Champagne Globe 2000
Champagne Globe 2000 Chaps $249.00 $249.00
Champagne Bucket Grapes
Champagne Bucket Grapes Chaps $249.00 $249.00
Wine Book Green limoges box
Wine Book Green limoges box LimogesboxImports $216.00 $216.00
Dice Shaker limoges box
Dice Shaker limoges box LimogesboxImports $237.00 $237.00
Wine Barrel with 4 Bottles limoges box
Wine Barrel with 4 Bottles limoges box LimogesboxImports $209.00 $209.00
Hand-painted Cigar Figurine limoges box
Hand-painted Cigar Figurine limoges box LimogesboxImports $237.00 $237.00
Wine Barrel with 3 Bottles limoges box
Wine Barrel with 3 Bottles limoges box LimogesboxImports $298.00 $298.00
Bordeaux Wine Crate Taster Set Bottles Corkscrew
Bordeaux Wine Crate Taster Set Bottles Corkscrew Rochard Limoges $378.00 $378.00
Chianti In Basket with Removable Wine Glass
Chianti In Basket with Removable Wine Glass Rochard Limoges $266.00 $266.00
Wine Bottles in Crate with Two Glasses
Wine Bottles in Crate with Two Glasses Rochard Limoges $352.00 $352.00
Vineyard with Removable Wine List
Vineyard with Removable Wine List Rochard Limoges $375.00 $375.00
Silver Cocktail Shaker with Removable Shot Glass
Silver Cocktail Shaker with Removable Shot Glass Rochard Limoges $265.00 $265.00
Red Wine Bottle with Brass Holder
Red Wine Bottle with Brass Holder Rochard Limoges $375.00 $375.00