
We may cast a spell on you, with our beautiful enticing haunted Limoges porcelain box figurines, hand-painted in beautiful detail on authentic French porcelain. Our witches , ghosts, and haunted houses are spooctacular.  Look out for the frightening black cat ! All of our Limoges come with a certificate of authenticity and are imported from the heart of the city in Limoges, France.

Halloween is a spooky and fun time of year. All of our beautifully crafted limoges will bring a spooktacular ambiance to any decor. Collectable porcelain bats and black cats, pumpkins and ghosts. Collectors will love our goulishly delightful coffins with the likes of frankenstien, vampires, mummy, and skeletons hidden inside. Haunted houses are a tradition in halloween and we have an assortment of chilling and playful scenes, all captured in minute detail by only the finest of French craftsmen dedicated to the art and beauty of limoges.Halloween scenes in figurines of only the finest french porcelian. Candy is another tradition no Halloween would be complete without. Marvel at the treats deliactely painted on these fine limoges collectable and timeless. Boo, I see you. Ghosts and goblins, ghouls and spooks, all waiting for the most austre collector. Trick or Treat, Halloween is the perfect occasion to display all of our lovely limoges all french crafted in the finest tradition.

Pumpkin Coach Chaps $289.00 $289.00
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Fall Wheelbarrow w Pumpkins Thanksgiving
Fall Wheelbarrow w Pumpkins Thanksgiving Chaps $299.00 $299.00
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Cinderella Pumpkin Coach w Shoe
Cinderella Pumpkin Coach w Shoe Chaps Sold Out Sold Out
Black Cat Pumpkin Candy Corn Décor
Black Cat Pumpkin Candy Corn Décor Rochard Limoges $265.00 $265.00
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Witch on Broom Halloween
Witch on Broom Halloween Chaps $289.00 $289.00
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Halloween Owl
Halloween Owl Chaps $289.00 $289.00
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TRICK OR TREAT BAG w Candy Pumpkin
TRICK OR TREAT BAG w Candy Pumpkin Rochard Limoges $332.00 $332.00
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Jack-O-Lantern Pumpkin Witches Hat Halloween
Jack-O-Lantern Pumpkin Witches Hat Halloween Rochard Limoges $266.00 $266.00
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Jack-O-Lantern Pumpkin Halloween
Jack-O-Lantern Pumpkin Halloween Rochard Limoges $266.00 $266.00
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Gift Bag w Gummy Bears
Gift Bag w Gummy Bears Rochard Limoges $332.00 $332.00
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Haunted House w Removable Ghost
Haunted House w Removable Ghost Rochard Limoges $466.00 $466.00
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Jackolantern Halloween pumpkin Gold Inside
Jackolantern Halloween pumpkin Gold Inside Chaps $196.00 $196.00
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Witch Halloween Cat limoges box
Witch Halloween Cat limoges box LimogesboxImports $257.00 $257.00
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Witch in a Pot limoges box
Witch in a Pot limoges box LimogesboxImports $257.00 $257.00
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Witch with Broom and Cauldron
Witch with Broom and Cauldron Rochard Limoges $265.00 $265.00
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Spell Books with Spider & Witch
Spell Books with Spider & Witch Rochard Limoges $330.00 $330.00
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Scarecrow Rochard Limoges $330.00 $330.00
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Pumpkin with Seeds
Pumpkin with Seeds Rochard Limoges $294.00 $294.00
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Jack O Lantern Pail with Removable Ghost
Jack O Lantern Pail with Removable Ghost Rochard Limoges $265.00 $265.00
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Halloween Pail with Jackolantern
Halloween Pail with Jackolantern Rochard Limoges $406.00 $406.00
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Ghost with Ball and Chain
Ghost with Ball and Chain Rochard Limoges $230.00 $230.00
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Floral Witch Hat with Removable Owl
Floral Witch Hat with Removable Owl Rochard Limoges $465.00 $465.00
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Black Halloween Cat on Night with Jackolantern
Black Halloween Cat on Night with Jackolantern Rochard Limoges $265.00 $265.00
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Jack o Lantern Black Hat
Jack o Lantern Black Hat Artoria Sold Out Sold Out
Lynn Haney: Gumdrop Witch - Artoria
Lynn Haney: Gumdrop Witch - Artoria Artoria $465.00 $465.00
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Trick Or Treater Halloween Cat
Trick Or Treater Halloween Cat Artoria $294.00 $294.00
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Trick or Treat Bag
Trick or Treat Bag Artoria Sold Out Sold Out
Peter Peter Pumpkin Eater
Peter Peter Pumpkin Eater Artoria Sold Out Sold Out
Coffin w Skeleton
Coffin w Skeleton Artoria Sold Out Sold Out
Bat Bat with black handle and white grip, perfect for baseball games
Bat with black handle and white grip, perfect for baseball games
Bat Artoria Sold Out Sold Out
Ghost Artoria $273.00 $273.00
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Witch Riding Broom
Witch Riding Broom Artoria Sold Out Sold Out
Black Halloween Cat
Black Halloween Cat Artoria Sold Out Sold Out
Jackolantern Black Halloween Cat
Jackolantern Black Halloween Cat Artoria $325.50 $325.50
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Coffin w Mummys
Coffin w Mummys Artoria $300.00 $300.00
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Coffin w Frankenstein
Coffin w Frankenstein Artoria Sold Out Sold Out
Jackolantern Gold Inside
Jackolantern Gold Inside Limoges Imports $190.00 $190.00
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Witch in a Pot
Witch in a Pot Limoges Imports $250.00 $250.00
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Witch/Broom/Cat Limoges Imports $250.00 $250.00
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Brand: SpookyCraze Witch Broomstick: 3-Day Shipping
Brand: SpookyCraze Witch Broomstick: 3-Day Shipping Rare - 3 Xtra Days to Ship $398.00 $398.00
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Lucy Witch Artoria - Fast Shipping Option
Lucy Witch Artoria - Fast Shipping Option Rare - 3 Xtra Days to Ship $975.00 $975.00
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Brand: SpookyScares 3-Day Shipping Haunted House
Brand: SpookyScares 3-Day Shipping Haunted House Rare - 3 Xtra Days to Ship $298.00 $298.00
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Witch in Cauldron - Fast Shipping Available
Witch in Cauldron - Fast Shipping Available Rare - 3 Xtra Days to Ship $298.00 $298.00
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Brand Name: Haunted Home Ghostly Swing - 3 Day Shipping
Brand Name: Haunted Home Ghostly Swing - 3 Day Shipping Rare - 3 Xtra Days to Ship $299.00 $299.00
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Ghost in Doorframe - Expedited Shipping Benefit
Ghost in Doorframe - Expedited Shipping Benefit Rare - 3 Xtra Days to Ship $399.00 $399.00
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Brand: Two Ghosts Playing - Fast Shipping
Brand: Two Ghosts Playing - Fast Shipping Rare - 3 Xtra Days to Ship $249.00 $249.00
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Artoria Trick or Treat Ghost - Fast Shipping
Artoria Trick or Treat Ghost - Fast Shipping Rare - 3 Xtra Days to Ship $499.00 $499.00
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Ghosts Pumkin in Room - 3 Extra Days to Ship
Ghosts Pumkin in Room - 3 Extra Days to Ship Rare - 3 Xtra Days to Ship $299.00 $299.00
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Ghost in Computer - Fast Shipping Option
Ghost in Computer - Fast Shipping Option Rare - 3 Xtra Days to Ship $349.00 $349.00
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Brand: Ghosts in Computer - 3 Day Delay
Brand: Ghosts in Computer - 3 Day Delay Rare - 3 Xtra Days to Ship $349.00 $349.00
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Brand Name: Ghostly Delights Swinging Ghosts - 3 Day Delay
Brand Name: Ghostly Delights Swinging Ghosts - 3 Day Delay Rare - 3 Xtra Days to Ship $299.00 $299.00
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Witch Brew
Witch Brew Rare - 3 Xtra Days to Ship $593.00 $593.00
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Halloween Treats
Halloween Treats Rare - 3 Xtra Days to Ship $556.50 $556.50
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Haunted House
Haunted House Rare - 3 Xtra Days to Ship $487.50 $487.50
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Witch Riding Broom
Witch Riding Broom A Artoria $336.00 $336.00
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Coffin With Mummys
Coffin With Mummys A Artoria $300.00 $300.00
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Jackolantern With Black Cat
Jackolantern With Black Cat A Artoria $325.50 $325.50
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Ghost A Artoria $273.00 $273.00
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